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Parent in prison

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  • The Outsiders - Sent to Prison

    This Outsiders booklet is for individuals experiencing the imprisonment of a family member. It explains the impact on the family from the point of initial arrest to imprisonment itself, providing helpful information ranging from visiting prison to becoming familiar with prison jargon.

  • The Outsiders - Telling the Children

    This Outsiders booklet provides helpful and practical information about the impact that imprisonment of a parent has on the children. The booklet covers a wide range of issues from what to say to the children, dealing with the child’s changing role in the family to coping with changes in a child’s behaviour.

  • The Outsiders - Living with Separation

    This booklet is for individuals experiencing the imprisonment of a family member. It explains the impact that separation can have on you, your imprisoned partner and the children involved. It also offers practical help about how to cope with your changing roles.

  • The Outsiders - Preparing for Release

    This booklet discusses the issues for families as they prepare for the release and resettlement of a family member from prison. It provides helpful and practical information on some common hopes and fears expressed by both the person in prison and the family on the outside. Featuring quotes from ex-prisoners and their partners, the booklet covers issues ranging from the practicalities of finding employment to getting to know each other again and re-establishing a relationship.


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