Arranging access

6min read

Dad with daughter in a park

You may be feeling upset and confused by a break-up and it's easy to let anger or guilt get in the way. It may help to talk it through with someone who can be sympathetic and who will keep a clear head, such as friends, family or even perhaps a professional mediator.  

You may need to agree on the following points:

  • When and where your children will visit
  • How the parent living apart can stay in touch in between visits
  • How you are going to settle any disputes in future so it won't affect your children

“We’re separating and know our children need to see both of us but we don’t know where to start.”

“We seem to be arguing more than ever now that we’ve separated.”

“My partner left me for someone else but now wants to see our children. Didn't they lose the right when they left?”

Separation doesn't always mean the end of arguments, and you may need help in settling disagreements from your break up. Once you are able to put your personal disagreements aside you will be able to address more practical issues, such as your children's routine and visits. You may need, and benefit from, some help to finish the argument and draw a line under your relationship as partners so that you can move on to being co-parents. 

If there is a problem meeting each other during contact, you may find it helps to have a neutral meeting place, such as a Child Contact Centre. Here, there are no arguments or family rows, and parents do not have to meet one another there. Regarding bad feeling over issues of contact, it’s vital to remember one thing: that your children have the right and the need to go on seeing both their parents, no matter how angry you might be with your ex.

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Arguments and disagreements

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