Dealing with stress and depression during divorce and separation

6min read

Woman looking out of window

Going through a divorce or separation can be a really harrowing experience. Depression can hit any one of us at any time and is very real. If you feel that you might be experiencing stress or depression and can’t see any good in your life then it is vital that you do seek support sooner rather than later. It is often described as feeling as though “a dark cloud is over my head” coupled with a feeling of hopelessness or not feeling anything at all. We are only human and we have all had times in our lives when we struggle to cope with what life throws our way. The end of a relationship is undoubtedly going to be stressful and it is really important that we recognise our feelings and are able to act on them if we sense that we are struggling to manage our stress levels.  

So how can we find ways to help us manage our stress levels?  Have a look at our tips below and see if you can incorporate any of these into your day to day life: 

Tips to help manage stress during divorce or separation:

  • go for a walk on your own, or with your children can be wonderfully therapeutic as getting yourself out in the fresh air can really help
  • do something with your children such as baking a cake
  • laughter can be so beneficial in lifting our spirits so catch up with old friends or watch a funny movie
  • keep a diary as this is a great way of helping you to express your feelings and will avoid you bottling things up
  • talk things through with someone you don’t know as it is easy to feel as though we are becoming a nuisance when talking with friends and family
  • be kind to yourself, grab some me time when you can and make sure you are looking after yourself physically

We know that many people find it hard talking about the way they are feeling and think that they should be able to just snap themselves out of it. Depression is an illness and sometimes does require treatment. Although Family Lives is not qualified to give you any medical advice we do recognise that these feelings can be very intense and it is crucial that you do seek medical advice. Reaching out for some help is the hardest step so if you are reading this and can relate to it then please do seek some support. Your GP might be able to refer you for some counselling which can help you work through your feelings. You can’t expect to see results overnight and it might be a case of taking baby steps but hopefully you will slowly start to see a light at the end of the tunnel and see a way forward.


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