Going back to work

10min read

As well as the practical concerns connected with returning to work, such as financial assistance, flexible working, childcare, etc. You may also be thinking about how you will manage with spending less time with your child. 

Key Points:

  • If you are struggling about going back to work, talk to friends and family about how you are feeling. Reach out to other new families as you may be able to relate to each other
  • Try to ensure that you have a good solid routine to help you and your family even if you are still on maternity leave. This will help you enormously when you do go back to work and it won't be too much of a shock to the system
  • Finding suitable childcare is a big decision, and one which depends on your family’s personal needs and circumstances

The emotional toll

Going back to work after having time off with your new baby can be really difficult for many parents. Although some new parents enjoy getting back into work. For others, it can be really hard to leave your baby to return to work. It is important to understand the emotions you may be feeling. Some parents feel guilt about leaving, others feel overwhelmed and some feel relieved to have a break.

Whatever you are feeling, it is ok to feel this and it is natural. You have been through a lot over the last few months from carrying your baby, giving birth and living a new life. If you are struggling, talk to friends and family about how you are feeling. Reach out to other new families as you may be able to relate to each other. Build a good solid support network around you as best you can. 

Managing family life

The time you do spend with your family can often be filled with lots of time-consuming activities such as cooking dinner, bathing the kids and getting them to bed on time. Try to introduce routines and delegate responsibilities to all family members old enough to help. This way you can save time and spend it doing something enjoyable with your children, from reading them that bedtime story, through to just having a cuddle at the end of a long and hectic day.

Try to ensure that you have a good solid routine to help you and your family even if you are still on maternity or paternity leave. This will help you enormously when you do go back to work and it won't be too much of a shock to the system. It may be a case of trial and error until you find a routine that works best for your family life.

Flexible working

Flexible working is any working pattern that is adapted for the benefit of the individual and that also suits their employer. The types of flexible working include part-time, flexi-time, compressed hours, staggered hours, term time working, job sharing and working from home.  It’s important to remember though, that the rules give people the right to ask for flexible working, not the right to have it. It might also be worth having a chat with your HR Department to see if they are able to make things a little easier for you, or whether they are able to offer you flexible working.  

Once an employer has received a flexible working application, they have a legal duty to consider the request seriously with the aim of deciding whether the business can accommodate the requested work pattern. If the employer agrees, they should give the employee a new contract. Employers may only refuse requests where there is a clear business ground for doing so and must give a written explanation explaining why. Employees have a right to appeal this decision. Employees cannot appeal against the decision if they only disagree with the business reasons for rejecting the application. 


Finding suitable childcare is a big decision, and one which depends on your family’s personal needs and circumstances. There are different types of childcare available and it can be confusing what works best for the needs of your family. You may be looking at family or friends to help out.

Looking for reliable childcare is not always easy as there can be a lot of choice available. Visit Childcare Choices, a Government website to explore what financial help you may be eligible for. You may find it helpful to visit www.childcare.co.uk as they have local listings of childminders, nurseries, babysitters and more. Another good way of sourcing childcare is by asking other parents/carers who they use for their children – this way you get a personal recommendation from the people who know best. Pacey, (the professional association for childcare and early years) offers free help and advice to parents looking for home-based childcare providers. 

Further resources

If you would like further support and advice, call our helpline on 0808 800 2222 or email us at askus@familylives.org.uk. You can talk to us online via our live chat service, which is open, Monday to Friday between 10.30am and 9pm. You may find it helps to find out how other parents and carers have coped with this on our online forums. We also have a range of free online parenting courses that can help through the ages and stages of parenting.