Teens on holiday

5min read

If your teen wants to go away on their own with friends, make sure they are properly prepared.  Recent data from lowcostholidays.com found that nearly a third (28%) of young holidaymakers did not take out insurance on their last group holiday, whilst 44% claimed their biggest holiday expenditure is alcohol when away with friends. Worryingly a further 24% claimed that their attitude towards safe sex would be more relaxed on a group holiday.  

“Group holidays should be about having fun with mates. We would encourage all young people going on holiday this summer to take out comprehensive travel insurance and make sure you have your EHIC card with you if travelling in Europe. Reading up on local laws and customs and knowing your alcohol limit can also help you to avoid running into trouble with the law abroad.” Said Khalida Cox, Campaigns Officer, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. 

A general safety practice on group holidays guide detailing the holiday habits of 16-24 year olds has been produced to distribute amongst parents and young adults going on group holidays, providing information on key topics that affect safety.

Tips for teenager travellers

What to do before you go

  • Research the destination and hotel you are travelling to, use trusted websites, review centres, social media and guide books.
  • Inform family and friends of where you are travelling to. Inform them of your insurance policy, booking details and your itinerary. Save these documents electronically for added security. 

Stay safe on holiday

  • Do not openly display your cash and do not carry all your cards with you at once.
  • If your passport or valuables are stolen or go missing abroad, contact the local police station and obtain a statement. This official recording is often required to claim against your insurance.
  • Purchase currency from trusted sources only.
  • Check expiry dates and validity of cards that you are planning to use, please be aware of card charges in other countries.
  • Find out if travellers’ cheques are appropriate for your destination.
  • Keep a record of your spending and the contact details of your bank.

Further resources 

It may help to chat to other parents on our forums to find out how they are dealing with this issue within their family life. You can also talk to us online via our live chat service, email us at askus@familylives.org.uk or call us on our helpline on 0808 800 2222 to speak to trained family support worker. 


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