4min read

4min read
When a second (or third, or fourth, etc) child arrives, the new constraints on your time and energy can leave you feeling anxious and extremely tired, so it is especially important at this time that you enlist the help and support of any willing family members and friends.
If you are part of a two-parent household, make sure your partner is ready and available to help out even more than before, with the practical side of seeing to your older child while you attend to the baby and vice versa. Take it in turns to see to the baby through the night, so that you both get a chance to catch up with sleep and re-charge your batteries for the challenges of the next day.
For working parents, having another child to look after can be a real shock to the system. Where before, you may have had some time to yourself in the evenings after your child had gone to bed, you now have to deal with the demanding needs of a baby. Looking after another child means lots of extra work: an extra meal, extra cuddles before bedtime and, although it may be a wonderful feeling to know that your family is growing, it also means more of your own time is devoted to the family.
Talking to someone - your partner, family, friends, a support group (e.g. mum and baby group) - about your feelings, worries and parenting stories, can help you to feel less alone in your anxieties and physical tiredness. When the people in your life know what you need, they will be in a better position to support you: some babysitting, so you can have a rest or a night out, or just knowing that you’d appreciate a call to sound off about the day. It all helps to give you back some time, so that you're not left feeling that your own personal needs have been forgotten or substituted for your children’s.
Universal Credit is a new benefit that has started to replace 6 existing benefits with a single monthly payment into your account. Universal Credit will help you to be better off in work, start a new job or work more hours. For more information please click here.