ParentChild+ Westminster and RBKC

Help your child get the best start with Family Lives

What is ParentChild+? 

ParentChild+ is our early learning programme to support families to improve their home learning environment so children are ready for school. Taking a free toy and book each week, Early Learning home visitors model with parents how to play and read with their child. This highly successful programme has been delivered in the USA for over 50 years. Children who have been through this programme:

  • are 50% more likely to measure ready for school
  • enter school performing 10 months above their chronological age

How does it work?

Our Early Years Home Visitors visit families for half an hour, twice a week using educational toys, books and games to help a child learn and develop. The programme lasts for 15 months with 92 visits providing 46 free toys and books to each family. We work alongside parents to demonstrate how to increase verbal and non-verbal interactions, develop positive behaviours and encourage early literacy skills. Parents learn how to become their child’s first teacher; children are then ready for school and do well in their education, which sets them up for positive futures. 

Our ParentChild+ Programme helps parents get their children ready for school, ready to learn and ready to shine. If you live in Westminster or Kensington & Chelsea, and are worried about your child's communication and social skills, we can help you too.

  • Free programme for children aged 21 months to 2 and a half years old
  • Weekly 30 minute sessions at home
  • Weekly group sessions with other parents and children
  • Free toys, books and games

We are accepting referrals for families where:

  • The child has had a 2 year Health Review and the ASQ scores identified a development delay i.e. speech and language, social-emotional delays
  • Parents express concern about their child’s development prior to their 2 year Health Review
  • The family is eligible for, but not taking up the free 2 year nursery offer

Contact us

If you are a professional and know a family who would benefit from this programme or are a parent who’d like to know more, get in touch by emailing Anamaria or call 07860 184906.Alternatively, you can fill out this referral form

Spotting and dealing with bullying


Bullying and school

Understanding bullying

Types of bullying