Bringing up Confident Children

3min read

Why not access our free, online and innovative Bringing up Confident Children course? Creating a supportive and nurturing environment for children can help them flourish, manage their feelings and build resilience to help cope with challenges. Based on our forty years’ experience working with parents and families, our course has four modules with helpful ideas, techniques and resources.   

Modules on the course:

  • Valuing ourselves
  • Helping children handle their feelings
  • Being positive with our children
  • Building resilience

All of our sessions are filled with helpful techniques and ideas that we are sure will help you build your child’s confidence and boost their self-esteem. Crucially, you can do our course whenever and wherever suits you and work through it at our own pace.

To access this course, please register here.

To register, please enter your preferred contact email address where it says 'work email'. Please note this does not need to be a work email address. Please note that this is a free online parenting course. If you would like further information about this online course, please email

By signing up to this course, you are giving your consent for us to process your data. We use Coassemble to provide this service and they are based in Australia. Please note that your data will be processed outside the UK and EEA. We have an agreement in place with the data processor. You can read our Privacy Notice and also Coassemble’s Privacy Policy for further information.

If you need some immediate support you can talk to us online via our live chat service, email us at or call us on our helpline on 0808 800 2222 to speak to trained family support worker. 

Relationships and sex

Health and wellbeing

Mental health


Sex education and development