
Adfam - empower family members and carers, support frontline workers and influence decision-makers to stop this happening.

AL Anon - is there for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else's drinking

Alcoholics Anonymous - is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual alcoholics who turn to the Fellowship for help and support includes meetings and helpline.

Alcohol Education Trust - support young people to enter adulthood having a healthy relationship with alcohol. They engage pupils before they begin drinking, help them build resilience skills, know how to avoid risky situations and learn how to look after themselves and each other.

ATSAC - is a not-for-profit organisation that provides information and support on sex addiction and compulsivity

Big Deal - is a project run by GamCare for young people to get help for gambling addiction 

Drinkaware - provides information on alcohol to consumers to allow them to make informed decisions about the effects on lives and lifestyles.

DrugFAM - provide a seven day a week lifeline of safe, caring and professional support to families, friends, partners and significant others who are struggling to cope with the nightmare of a loved one’s addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling. We also support those bereaved by drugs, alcohol, gambling and related causes.

FRANK - free confidential advice and information on drugs 24 hours a day.

Gamcare - information, advice and practical help in relation to gambling.

Gamfam - provides advice and support if you are worried about gambling addiction. 

Health for Teens - Advice on vaping addiction.

Know the score - Scotland’s drug information website.

National Centre for Gaming Disorders - a gaming addiction clinic in the UK that provides treatment for problem gamers living in England and Wales aged 13 and over. 

NACOA - Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking

Narcotics Anonymous UK - If you have a problem with drugs, they can help you get and stay clean.

Relate - support service for sexual addiction

Release - information and advice on drugs and the law.

With you - provide free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health in one of our local services or online.

Young people and vaping (NHS)