Better Housing Better Health - provides a service supporting residents to keep warm, stay safe and live well in their homes.
Child Benefit - deals with all child benefit claims.
Child Maintenance Options - providing impartial information and support to help both parents make an informed choice about their options for child maintenance.
Child Support Agency - the Child Support Agency, as part of the Department for Work and Pensions, is responsible for assessing, collecting, paying and enforcing Child Support Maintenance.
Cooking on a Bootstrap - advice and recipes on a budget from Jack Monroe, anti-poverty campaigner and food writier.
Energy Saving Trust - empower householders every year to make better energy choices.
Family Action Grants Service - provides a small grant when it’s needed the most to help remove immediate financial barriers. This helps families to work through the bigger issues they’re facing such as fleeing abuse or keeping their children in school.
Family Fund - is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people.
Financial Ombudsman Service - the official independent expert in settling complaints between consumers and businesses providing financial services. The service is free and can look at complaints about a wide range of financial matters - from insurance and mortgages to savings and credit.
Find a Warm Welcome Space - have over 3000 registered organisations that have opened or are opening up free, warm, welcoming spaces for the public over this winter across the UK.
Give as you earn - donating to charity through your payroll.
Help with school costs - advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau on costs such as uniforms, travel, etc.
Lightning Reach - enables individuals, charities and the public sector to get financial support to the people who need it most, quickly and securely.
Money Helper - helps you manage your money better. You can use their Health Check tool, calculators and comparison tables and access free, independent advice.
Money Saving Expert - aims to provide the best MoneySaving guides, tips, tools and techniques from Martin Lewis.
National Debtline - advice by telephone or email for people with debt problems.
National Energy Action (NEA) - the national fuel poverty charity, working to ensure that everyone in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is warm and safe at home.
Personal Finance Society - free guides to understand your choices when it comes to money. Find out about professional financial advice and search for a qualified adviser near you.
Stepchange - are a debt charity, providing free, confidential and expert debt advice and money guidance.
Stop Loan Sharks - iinvestigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders and provides support for borrowers in the UK.
Tax Credits - 9 out of 10 families are entitiled to tax credits, but you don't need to have children to qualify. Find out more here.
Turn2Us - website offering people in financial need access to welfare benefits and charitable grants, free of charge and all in one place. Visitors to the site can use the benefits calculator or search for a grant giving organisation based on their need to see if there are funds available to them.
Turn2Us (fuel poverty) - Information and advice for families worried about the energy price rises.
The Trussell Trust - The Trussell Trust is a Christian charity that does not affiliate itself with any political party and currently receives no government funding. They are non-judgemental and inclusive, providing assistance to people of all backgrounds and all faiths or none who are found to be in genuine need. The Trussell Trust partners with churches and communities to open new foodbanks nationwide. With over 250 foodbanks currently launched, their goal is for every town to have one.
Which - provides independent advice and support on all consumer issues including cost of living advice and tips.