Our services are here to support you

We are delighted to let you know that 100% of our services remain open in some form to support families at this time through the difficulties they face.

We have been able to achieve this through the dedication, commitment and innovation of our staff and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to continue to put vulnerable and lower-income families first, to ensure there is always someone to talk to during this challenging time of lockdown and social distancing.

Our helpline is now managed as a virtual call centre as all staff and volunteers have been moved to working from home; this was achieved in a two-week period and in a way that had minimal impact on our service capacity. In addition, all other staff are working and collaborating through Microsoft Teams and are able run video calls with families which include play and interaction, alongside the emotional and practical support that many vulnerable families need at this time.

We continue to provide a free helpline and if you need to talk, we are here to listen with our trained and skilled workforce. Call us on 0808 800 2222.

We know that sometimes it’s hard to speak on the phone in a crowded space or where it may not be safe to call, you can email askus@familylives.org.uk or visit our website and forums at www.familylives.org.uk. You can also talk to use online via our Live Chat service. 

We recognise the very real impact on families at this time and we are expanding our helpline capacity and developing additional resources around dealing with aggression in the home. Many people have contacted us about teenage aggression towards parents and other experiences of violence in the home. We remain committed to supporting people to find ways to manage increased tension in the home and to improve communication before things escalate.

Over half of the people who contact us are single parents and we are able to support people manage contact arrangements during this complicated time.

Many families are also home schooling and we have added lots of useful tips on this and also ways in which families can engage in cost free activities together to our website.

My very best wishes

Jez Todd, Chief Executive of Family Lives

An update from our CEO

We are delighted to let you know that 100% of our services remain open in some form to support families at this time through the difficulties they face.


We have been able to achieve this through the dedication, commitment and innovation of our staff and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to continue to put vulnerable and lower-income families first, to ensure there is always someone to talk to during this challenging time of lockdown and social distancing.

Our helpline is now managed as a virtual call centre as all staff and volunteers have been moved to working from home; this was achieved in a two-week period and in a way that had minimal impact on our service capacity. In addition, all other staff are working and collaborating through Microsoft Teams and are able run video calls with families which include play and interaction, alongside the emotional and practical support that many vulnerable families need at this time.

We continue to provide a free helpline and if you need to talk, we are here to listen with our trained and skilled workforce. Call us on 0808 800 2222.

We know that sometimes it’s hard to speak on the phone in a crowded space or where it may not be safe to call, you can email askus@familylives.org.uk or visit our website and forums at www.familylives.org.uk

We recognise the very real impact on families at this time and we are expanding our helpline capacity and developing additional resources around dealing with aggression in the home. Many people have contacted us about teenage aggression towards parents and other experiences of violence in the home. We remain committed to supporting people to find ways to manage increased tension in the home and to improve communication before things escalate.

Over half of the people who contact us are single parents and we are able to support people manage contact arrangements during this complicated time.

Many families are also home schooling and we have added lots of useful tips on this and also ways in which families can engage in cost free activities together to our website.

My very best wishes



Shared parenting

Single parents

When your relationship isn't working

Mental health

Health and wellbeing

Family finances

Supporting your child

New and ex partners


Stress, anxiety & depression